The IFTM-UNWTO Training Programme on “Sustainable Tourism through Meetings Industry” will be held virtually from 5 - 7 December 2022.
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The 16th UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy organized by UNWTO will be held in Seoul from 07 - 11 November 2022.
The 16th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook is scheduled to be held in Guilin, China in a hybrid format from 18-21 September 2022 under the theme of "Transforming Tourism: Understanding Trends and Capitalising on Change".
23 September, 10 am, Tokyo Big Sight Conference Hall, Conference Tower 1st Floor, Room 101
Tourism leaders from across Asia and the Pacific have placed building resilience and embracing innovation at the heart of the sector’s restart and sustainable future.
The IFTM-UNWTO Training Programme on “Sustainable Tourism through Festivals and Events” will be held virtually from 24-26 May 2022.
The UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Japan Tourism Agency will hold a Symposium on Raising Awareness of Tourism Crisis Management, including Sharing Case Studies and Communication Plan.
UNWTO and the Asian Development Bank have launched a joint report on the use of big data for better tourism planning and management.