Success Story: Tourism Recovery and Women Empowerment Project in Timor-Leste

Success Story: Tourism Recovery and Women Empowerment Project in Timor-Leste

02 - 08 May, 2024

In Partnership With:

Ministry of Tourism and Environment Timor-Leste, EIF – Enhanced Integrated Framework, ILO



2-4 & 6-8 May 2024                                                                                


Bali, Indonesia, Timor-Leste 

Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth


The Tourism Recovery and Women Empowerment project in Timor-Leste was successfully completed in 2023.  Project components included a tourism and gender assessment, a Training of Trainers Seminar in for 15 trainers of national training institutes, and the delivery of vocational training programme to 245 women working in the tourism sector on the following topics: food safety and hygiene, guest house management, financial management, digital marketing, and basic supervisory skills. 


Project experiences and results were presented at the 2nd Regional Conference on the Empowerment of Women in Tourism in Asia and the Pacific that took place in Bali from 2- 4 May 2024. Delegations of several Member States expressed interest in replicating the project in their country and UN Tourism will further liaise with the countries to formulate proposals and identify funding sources, creating good opportunities to expand UN Tourism’s work in the field of Tourism Development and Women Empowerment. 

Subsequently, in the week of 6 May, UN Tourism joined an ILO Team on a project formulation mission to Timor-Leste to identify opportunities to develop a joint proposal for a comprehensive project for the tourism sector, building on activities that both agencies have carried out in the country.   

"Rapid Tourism"

Stay Tuned: 

Main components of the new project that is being formulated for Timor-Leste include Tourism Master Planning, Statistics, Institutional Strengthening and Human Resources Development. An initial project mission, focusing on strengthening the system of tourism statistics and further mobilizing project support, is expected to take place in the fourth quarter of 2024.  

The new project will build on earlier joint activities by ILO and UN Tourism in employment and decent work in tourism and the improvement of national methods of data collection on employment in the tourism sector.