Global INSTO Meeting
The Global INSTO Meetings offer already established observatories as well as interested destinations and other tourism stakeholders the opportunity to exchange experiences, learn about best practices and advance together in their monitoring efforts at the local level. In order to further advance the dialogues among all participants, this year’s 2019 Global INSTO Meeting will take place on 22/23 October, focusing specifically on relevant practical steps when establishing and maintaining the efforts of an observatory, including interactive, practical examples of translating destination problems into tangible data problems.
Sustainable Tourism Observatories continue to be established all around the world, serving as instruments for improved evidence generation at the destination level.
The changing content of the annual INSTO meetings is linked to the advances within the field of tourism measurement in regard to non-traditional data and the opportunities deriving from new technological advances as the sector is currently experiencing a consolidation of measurement efforts at the local level, moving towards more strategically aligned and integrated approaches.
The first Global INSTO Meeting was held in 2016 and introduced destinations to the redesigned framework of the network, giving participants the chance to familiarize themselves with the initiative and its mission and to jointly explore the status quo in measurement at the destination level. The second meeting in 2017 offered for the first time a Mentoring Breakfast where new destinations had the opportunity to be mentored by already advanced destinations. The third meeting in 2018 included another Mentoring Breakfast, presentations from destinations showcasing their specific cases, different thematic discussions as well as interactive, practical sessions with examples of specific monitoring processes.
More information coming soon!