Leading Tourism Recovery

Guiding tourism's recovery

The UN Tourism Global Tourism Crisis Committee has united the tourism sector to formulate a sector-wide response to the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Zurab Pololikashvili, UNWTO Secretary-General, Recovery Tourism

"This crisis is an opportunity to rethink the tourism sector and its contribution to the people and planet; an opportunity to build back better towards a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient tourism sector that ensure the benefits of tourism are enjoyed widely and fairly."

Zurab Pololikashvili,
UN Tourism Secretary-General

"Tourism is one of the world's most important economic sectors. It employs one in every ten people on Earth and provides livelihoods to hundreds of millions more."

António Guterres,
UN Secretary-General

Leading the way forward

Global coordination was essential for tourism to deliver on its status as a leading generator of opportunity for all. UN Tourism led the way forward, uniting tourism leaders from all over the world. More than ever, the sector needed to be united on behalf of the millions of people trusting their future to the power of tourism to drive sustainable growth.


In a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient way

Restarting tourism with data-driven decisions.

Taking Action
Restarting tourism with concrete guidelines and initiatives developed by UN Tourism.

Work together to build a tourism sector that works for everyone, where sustainability and innovation are part of everything we do.

Zurab Pololikashvili, UN Tourism Secretary-General
Executive Council – 112th session

For people

For planet

Boosting tourism’s recovery with



Promoting investments that boost economic growth, job creation and sustainability in tourism to public and private capital sources.
Developing digital skills


Harnessing innovation and digital advances provided tourism with opportunities to improve inclusiveness, local community empowerment and efficient resource management.


UN Tourism fostered tourism education and training, making tourism a tool for development in over 100 countries.

In collaboration with WHO

UN Tourism issued a joint statement with WHO, the lead UN agency for the global response to COVID-19 calling for responsibility and heightened coordination to ensure that health measures were implemented ensuring safety and protecting livelihoods.

UN Tourism encouraged travellers to stay safe and travel responsibly by following these simple but effective guidelines.

In February 2022, UN Tourism and WHO Regional Office for Europe agreed to further develop their collaboration and strengthen cooperation.

UNWTO observed the introduction of restrictions on travel, and urged for these to be based on the latest expert recommendations.

UNWTO stressed the importance of international dialogue and cooperation. This shared challenge presented the global community the chance to work more closely together and show that solidarity can go beyond national borders.

Due to its cross-cutting economic nature and deep social footprint, tourism is uniquely positioned to help societies and communities affected return to growth and stability. Over the years, the sector has consistently proven its resilience and its ability not only to bounce back as a sector but to lead the wider economic and social recovery. This depends on adequate political support and recognition.

Against this backdrop, UNWTO called for:

  • financial and political support for recovery measures targeting the tourism sector in the most affected countries;
  • recovery measures and incentives to be planned and implemented in coordination with international development and donor organizations; and
  • tourism support to be included in the wider recovery plans and actions of affected economies.
As in the past, UNWTO provided guidance and support for recovery measures of its members, the private and public tourism sector, including organizers of tourism events and fairs.

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