COVID-19 and Tourism

COVID-19 and Tourism

Tourism in Pre-Pandemic Times

1.5 billion

International Tourists

International tourist arrivals in 2019
(10th consecutive year of sustained growth)


Millions of Jobs

With a high share of women (54% of the workforce) and youth

US$ 1.7 trillion

Export Revenues

  • 3rd largest export category
  • 50% of total exports for many small developing countries
Growing Faster than the World Economy

Growing Faster than the World Economy

Tourism is a key sector in many advanced and emerging economies

The Impact of COVID-19 on International Tourism

  • Wuhan lockdown

  • WHO declares the outbreak a global health emergency

  • WHO declares the outbreak a pandemic

  • 100% of worldwide destinations have introduced travel restrictions

  • 27% of all destinations worldwide keep their borders completely closed for international tourism

International Tourism Arrivals

Unprecedented fall of international tourism

International Tourist Arrivals-millions
Impact COVID-19 on International Tourism 2020

International tourism back to levels of 30 years ago

International tourist arrivals

Loss of international tourist arrivals
Loss in international tourism receipts

Loss in international tourism receipts
US$ 1.3 trillion
International tourism could plunge to levels of

International tourism could plunge to levels of
Estimated loss in global GDP

Estimated loss in global GDP
over US$ 2 trillion
Loss of international tourist arrivals

Loss of international tourist arrivals
1 billion
direct tourism jobs at risk

100-120 million
direct tourism jobs at risk



2021–2024 SCENARIOS

2021-2024 scenarios International Tourism Arrivals

When do you expect international tourism to return to pre-pandemic 2019 levels in your country?

Most tourism experts do not expect international tourism to return to pre-COVID levels before 2023

What are the main factors weighing on the recovery of international tourism?

Travel restrictions, slow virus containment and the economic environment: main barriers to the recovery of international tourism

Share of destinations with complete closure of borders, by region, 2020 (%)

Progressive decline in number of completely closed destinations


Changes in traveller behaviour in times of COVID-19

-short-lived trends or here to stay?-


Domestic tourism has shown positive signs in many markets since people tend to travel closer. Travellers go for 'staycations' or vacations close to home.

New concerns

Health & Safety measures and cancellation policies are consumers' main concerns.

Get away

Nature, Rural Tourism and Road Trips have emerged as popular travel choices due to travel limitations and the quest for open-air experiences.

Last minute

Last-minute bookings have increased due to volatility of pandemic-related events and the travel restrictions.

Younger travellers most resilient

Change in demographics:
travel recovery has been stronger among younger segments. 'Mature' travellers and retirees will be the most impacted segments.

More responsible

Sustainability, authenticity and localhood:
travellers have been giving more importance to creating a positive impact on local communities, increasing looking for authenticity