General Assembly - Twenty-fifth session | Ceremony of adherence to the International Code for the Protection of Tourists

Ceremony of adherence to the International Code for the Protection of Tourists

The International Code for the Protection of Tourists (ICPT) is a comprehensive set of principles and recommendations on the protection of tourists in emergency situations, not limited to pandemics, and the rights of tourists as consumers, aimed at restoring consumer confidence in travel and providing sufficient guarantees to international tourists in the post COVID-19 environment.

Member States of both UNWTO and the United Nations are encouraged to adhere to the ICPT fully or partially through a formal notification of adherence and to integrate its non-binding recommendations into their relevant policies, legislation and regulations, as well as to report to the Secretary-General on its application within their country with a view to sharing knowledge, experiences and best practices.

Adherence to the ICPT only implies a commitment for the country to bring the Code, within one year, to the attention of the competent authorities for consideration, leaving absolute flexibility for countries to promote measures at national level for the implementation of its principles and recommendations, as deemed appropriate and in accordance with each country's institutional framework.

In the framework of the 25th session of the General Assembly, a public ceremony of adherence to the ICPT will be held during the third plenary session on 19 October 2023 for all  Member States willing to adhere to the Code fully or partially.

Adopted by resolution 732 (XXIV) of the General Assembly at its 24th session held in Madrid, Spain, from 30 November to 3 December 2021.

To date, fifteen Member States have adhered to the ICPT (list).

  International Code for the Protection of Tourists | More information