UNWT Agenda for Africa: Tourism for inclusive growth

UNWTO Agenda for Africa

Tourism for inclusive growth

Empowering youth and women through tourism | SDGs 5, 8, 10

In Africa, women make up to 69% of the tourism labour force according to the 2019 UNWTO published second edition of the Global report on Women in Tourism. Although women are occupying leadership roles in tourism governance (more than 10 women tourism ministers as of 6.12.2021), the majority of women are often occupying lower level jobs. With the right skills, women currently working in the tourism sector can advance their careers and young unemployed women can get access to the labour market or become entrepreneurs.

Gender equality, women and youth empowerment are vital for the prosperity and sustainable development of all countries and societies, ensuring that nobody is left behind, as stressed by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In Africa, tourism is on the rise and many countries have identified the sector as a tool for sustainable development and inclusive growth. Women in Africa represent more than 50% of the population in the region. 73% of the tourism contributing family workers are women in Africa and yet they have vulnerable and low-skills jobs and the gender gap is more than 50% in labour force participation and 30,5% of entrepreneurs in the hotel and restaurant service sector are women. However, the proportion of women graduates in services remains low.