Design and implementation of tourism
March 12, 2019

Design and implementation of tourism

During the last three to four years, the work of the Gambia Tourism Board (GT Board), the Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBOS), the Tourism Statistics Committee and other institutions including the private sector, have contributed to considerably improve the system of tourism statistics of The Gambia, as witnessed by various statistical publications by the GT Board and others.

These improvements were a result of an exhaustive analysis of the national tourism statistical system and recommendations proposed for its further strengthening, made by UNWTO in 2015. In continuation of the implementation of these, and in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The Gambia requested further UNWTO technical assistance to design and implement a Visitor Survey and Tourism Establishment Survey as the next step towards obtaining the necessary data to compile a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).

During December 2018, UNWTO undertook a two-week mission in The Gambia to assist the government in setting up a visitor survey and a tourism establishment survey which are to be implemented in the forthcoming high season, in addition to delivering a two-day Train-the-Trainer programme on the methodology of implementing tourism establishment surveys.