National Tourism Strategy Project in Republic of Guinea
March 12, 2019

National Tourism Strategy Project in Republic of Guinea in collaboration with UNWTO and UNDP Guinea

The National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP, 2016-2020) of Republic of Guinea has identified the tourism sector as one of the main pillars of the country's socio-economic development.

In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNWTO is providing technical assistance to Guinea in the formulation of a National Tourism Development Strategy with particular emphasis on ecotourism development. The Strategy would provide recommendations for the further development and professionalization of the sector in terms of strategic planning, management, product development, marketing and promotion, combined with a legal and administrative framework which will support the overall economic, social and environmental sustainability of the sector. 

Project activities were launched in November 2018 with an initial mission to review the current status of the tourism sector, and identify strengths, opportunities and constraints to be addressed through the Strategy.

The draft Strategy is scheduled to be presented to stakeholders through consultative national and regional workshops in February 2019.