UNWTO Agenda for Africa
Promoting Cultural Heritage | SDGs 8, 16
Africa has currently 98 World Heritage Sites in 35 countries. The immense cultural, natural and gastronomic heritage of Africa creates unique opportunities for the tourism sector as a key leverage to foster the economic development of the continent and as a relevant toll to gain a better understanding of the region, its people, its beauties, customs and traditions.
Africa is house of unique natural landscapes as well as of historical and cultural sites which attract millions of internal tourists contribution to unlock African tourism potential thus fostering the economic transformation and competitiveness of the continent.
Cultural heritage as well as gastronomy and wine tourism represent an integral part of countries’ identity and history providing major opportunities for Africa to revitalize and diversify the industry and to promote local economic development by involving different professional sectors.
Local and regional intangible heritage can be thus regarded as important tools to promote and brand destinations as well as to preserve biodiversity conservation and convey a better understanding of African traditions, values, people and beauties harnessing and rewarding authenticity.
Africa Day: Marriott Virtual Africa Day Connections Event with UNWTO “Celebrating Diversity and Common Heritage through Tourism in challenging times”, Friday, 29 May 2020
Series of tailored-made Gastronomy Books in the region to showcase the gastronomic heritage and talent of the continent around the world