AM NEWS VOL. 35 OCT 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the Vol. 35 of our AM News Bulletin.

September was the month of the World Tourism Day. The celebrations for the edition 2021, organized as every year by the UNWTO, were hosted by Côte d’Ivoire. In Abidjan, among several activities which took place to celebrate this special occasion for our sector, the Affiliate Members Department organized the session “UNWTO Affiliate Membership and tourism private sector development in Africa”. At the event, we presented before the African private sector the main benefits and services that we offer to our Affiliate Members, aimed to increase our network in the region.

Another important achievement for us was the organization, within the framework of Iberoseries Platino Industry in Madrid, of the event “Beyond the traditional concept of Screen Tourism”. At the event, we launched the Global Report “Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism”, result of a fruitful collaboration with Netflix. We are very happy about this project, which represents a starting point to further explore the priority line of action Tourism and the Audio-visual Industry.

In the next weeks/months many exciting events and initiatives will take place. I refer to the World Sports Tourism Congress, that we are organizing with the Catalan Tourism Board on 25-26 November 2021, and especially the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, which is the most important statutory meeting for our organization. This edition is particularly relevant for us, because the new Legal Framework for the Affiliate Members will be submitted to the approval of the General Assembly.

As part of it, it will be celebrated the 43rd Affiliate Members Plenary Session, a key meeting for our network. We will present the draft of the Programme of Work 2022 and organize a new edition of the Affiliate Members Corner, to give the opportunity to our Affiliate Members to present their projects and initiatives and so boost their visibility.

As you can see, many relevant activities will soon take place, and I hope to count with the support and participation of all of you.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu