AM NEWS VOL. 39 MAR 2022
Dear Affiliate Members,
I would like to start by updating you on the outcome of the Emergency Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, held in Madrid on March 8 at the request of several Member States to address the suspension of the membership of the Russian Federation. The members agreed to convene the first ever Extraordinary UNWTO General Assembly in the coming days to decide on this critical matter.
Focusing now on this edition of the AM Newsletter, this includes some of the most recent activities carried out by the Department and others which will be implemented in the next weeks. In particular, I am pleased to inform you that the new affiliation procedure is now available in the UNWTO webpage. Among the main changes, there is the introduction of a more rigorous and demanding procedure for the admission of new Affiliate Members, which will allow us to foster a more quality-oriented expansion of our network. This is part of our efforts towards the implementation of the provisions of the Legal Reform of the Affiliate Membership, which was approved at the 24th UNWTO General Assembly.
Also, to meet a specific request raised by the Board of Affiliate Members at its last meeting, we have held an informative session on the Affiliate Members’ Legal Framework for its members to learn more on the main changes introduced by the reform and the functioning of UNWTO Governance. We counted on the participation of the Chair of the Board, Ms. Mar de Miguel and the UNWTO Legal Counsel, Ms. Alicia Gomez.
I would also like to talk about a new product developed by our Department called “UNWTO Briefing for Affiliate Members”. This is a format dedicated exclusively to the Affiliate Members offering them first-hand insights on upcoming major events and initiatives. The first one, to be organized on 21st March, will focus on the upcoming Global Youth Tourism Summit (GYTS), that will be celebrated in Sorrento, Italy on 27 June – 3 July. I strongly encourage you to participate as you will have the opportunity to get to know more about the specific content of the event and opportunities for you to engage. You will receive all the information through the platform AMConnected.
Lastly, I am glad to say that we are already working with our Affiliate Members on the implementation of some of the initiatives that were included in our Programme of Work 2022 and please do not hesitate to reach us out and explore future collaboration with us!
As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.
Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu