AM News vol. 42 JUN 2022

AM News vol. 42 JUN 2022 | The bulletin of UNWTO’s Affiliate Members from the tourism sector

Dear Affiliate Members,

These past weeks have been full of important events that I am pleased to share with you.

On 7-8 June took place the 116th session of the Executive Council, during which Ms. Tracy Lanza (Red Sea Development Company), had the opportunity to present the Report of the Chair of the Board of AMs, focusing on the activities carried out by the Affiliate Members since the previous Executive Council, and the main objectives to strengthen the integration of the Affiliate Members within the UNWTO.

On 1-3 of June, Yerevan, Armenia hosted the 67th Regional Commission for Europe and counted on the participation and intervention of the Croatian National Tourist Board as a representative of the Affiliate Members. Moreover, on 14-16 June took place the 34th joint Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and South Asia in the Maldives, which counted on the intervention of JTB Corp. as representative of the Affiliate Members as well as the participation as speakers of several Affiliate Members during the Global Summit on Communitybased Tourism.

I cannot stress enough the importance of the participation of our Affiliate Members during these events as they provide an excellent stage to showcase proposals and initiatives for the Membership, and exchange information and knowledge with the authorities representing the Member States from the Region. It is also worth mentioning that on 26 May, the Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM) met for the first time and officially began its activities as a much-needed institutional vehicle for the promotion of the tourism public-private sector cooperation.

Focusing now on the upcoming future initiatives and activities, I would like to share with you that on 21 June, we will hold the second UNWTO briefing for Affiliate Members.

I strongly encourage the participation of our Affiliate Members in this session as it provides first-hand information on the upcoming UNWTO event: the 7th World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism.

Lastly, I am glad to keep working with our Affiliate Members to implement some of the initiatives and activities included in our Programme of Work 2022. We are always available to explore potential collaborations with all of you. As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu