Dear Affiliate Members,
I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2023, including the main UNWTO events and those carried out by our Affiliate Members, with the participation of the Affiliate Members Departments or the UNWTO.
Regarding the upcoming initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, I would like to remind you about the second World Sports Tourism Congress, jointly organized by the UNWTO, the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of Croatia, and the Affiliate Member: Croatian National Tourist Board, and to be held on the 26-27 April, in Zadar, Republic of Croatia. Make sure to check the related post on the AMConnected Platform for more information and to register for this Congress.
Regarding the upcoming UNWTO statutory/high-level meetings, I am pleased to inform you that registration for the 118th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, to be held on 16-18 May in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, is now open. I encourage you to stay tuned to the AMConnected Platform to know about the updates on this event.
I would also like to invite you to save the date for the 25th UNWTO General Assembly which has been confirmed for the 16-20 of October, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Please keep in mind that in this framework we will hold the 44th Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members. This is the most important statutory meeting for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership and will bring together once again Affiliate Members from all around the world to meet, discuss, share, and interact around a variety of topics. It will serve as a dynamic space to generate ideas, discuss the latest trends of the sector and work together towards fostering public-private collaboration and promoting good practices in the industry.
The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.
As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.
Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu