THANK YOU to all participants, Affiliate Members, speakers, authorities, and UNWTO personnel who attended and contributed to the 44th Affiliate Members Plenary Session in the framework of the 25th UNWTO General Assembly and for making it a resounding success.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the host city, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, for warmly welcoming us. Our sincere thanks go out to the UNWTO Secretary-General, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, for his persistent support and presence. A heartfelt thank you to the 150 participants from around 70 Affiliate Members who traveled to Samarkand to attend the most important meeting of the Affiliate Membership. Your presence and contributions greatly enriched our Plenary Session, highlighting our collective commitment to the UNWTO's mission. A special recognition also to the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members, Ms. Mar de Miguel, for her continuous commitment, dedication, and guidance. Her contributions, along with those of every Affiliate Member and participant, were pivotal in ensuring the session's success.
The collaborations established and insights collected during this Plenary Session are invaluable, setting the tone for a brighter, collaborative future for global tourism.
Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu