AM News Vol. 28 March 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you this issue of the AM Newsletter featuring some of the strategies that our Affiliate Members will implement in 2021.

As you will read, we share the common vision to achieve a tourism that is more responsible, fairer and respectful for the environment and populations, with strategies for sustainable development being at the core of the recovery efforts. Also, digitalization as a tool for sustainability, along with furthering global partnerships and reinforcing collaboration are all highlighted by our membership as important elements to implement in 2021.

The aforementioned strategic lines are all aligned with UNWTO’s priorities to make tourism smarter through fostering innovation and leading the digital transformation of the sector; to promote investment and entrepreneurship; as well as harnessing tourism’s unique potential to protect social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. Over the last months, my team has listened to your valuable inputs and proposals and has incorporated the ones aligned with UNWTO’s objectives and priorities into our Programme of Work for 2021.

I am pleased to announce that the updated version of Programme of Work for 2021 of the Affiliate Members Department has been validated by the Board of Affiliate Members. This was one of the main points for discussion at our Plenary Session -held in Madrid in November 2020, when a first draft containing the inputs received from our Affiliate Members was presented. Since then, my team has been in permanent contact with our membership, encouraging them to continue sending us their proposals and expressing our availability to continue enriching this work program.

The updated Programme of Work for 2021 contains the objective and priority lines of action that will guide the activities of the Affiliate Members Department in 2021, which you can see summarized in this issue. Most importantly, it incorporates an enriching variety of projects and activities proposed by our Affiliate Members and that will be supported by my Department. These activities cover a wide range of important areas including sustainability and accessibility projects, COVID-19 response initiatives, and priority topics such as tourism and audiovisual, sports tourism and rural tourism.

I am confident that we can stay positive and focused on the future and on working together to make our strategies for the recovery of tourism a success.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you may have. I also encourage you to actively use our AMConnected platform by sharing your information and staying up-to-date with the latest information of the UNWTO.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu