Dear Affiliate Member,
I hope that you and your loved ones are in good health during these still very challenging and unprecedented times.
Tourism gradually restarted during the summer season as restriction on travel have slowly being eased, allowing tourism activity in a growing number of destinations. However, in the last weeks we have seen that in many countries of the world, and especially Europe, COVID-19 cases are increasing again and consequently some countries imposed new measures such as quarantines or mandatory tests before travellers enter their territory.
This is the clear evidence that the COVID-19 crisis and its impact are still far from being over and they will be suffered for a long time. However, we all need to stay positive and work together to minimize the negative impact as much as we can. In order to do that, there is an urgent need for political coordination and collaboration. As stated by the UNWTO Secretary General, “In these uncertain times people around the world need strong, clear and consistent messages. What they don’t need are policy moves which ignore the fac that only together we are stronger and able to overcome the challenges we face”.
As Affiliate Members Department we are committed to take part in these efforts and give visibility to those made by our Affiliate Members to support the mitigation of the impacts and the recovery form this unprecedented crisis. In line with that, I would like to take the opportunity to inform you that, during the next Executive Council, which will be held the 15-17 of September, we will present a Report on our main activities carried out since the outbreak of the crisis. Moreover, the applications we received for the Affiliate Membership will be submitted for the approval of the Executive Council, and we hope this month we will be able to welcome 30 new Affiliate Members to add more value to our network.
As a final word, I would like to encourage you to continue to share with us measures and initiatives you have envisaged to tackle the challenges at this stage and your prospect plans.
As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comment, insights or proposals you may have.
Ion Vilcu