Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation

World Tourism Day 2020 at North Ossetian State University (NOSU)

25 - 28 September, 2020

Centre for Sustainable Development at North Ossetian State University (NOSU) in Russia as a UNWTO Affiliate Member is celebrating World Tourism Day with a series of events focused on promoting sustainable tourism in rural areas organized in collaboration with such partners as the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture of the region, and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Russian Federaition.

On September, 25 and September 26, 2020 NOSU international students will be presented with detailed information about tourism in the region and educational resources on sustainable tourism through following events:

1) Presentation of the regional Ministry of Tourism about tourism possibilities in the region;
2) Presentation of the NOSU Youth Tourism Club about development of student tourism and opportunities for students;
3) Presentation of the NOSU Centre for Sustainable Development on educational opportunities from the UNWTO e-library, Sustainable Development Solutions Network library and online courses and the NOSU online course on SDGs, planned to be launched in 2020 in collaboration with Spanish Partner Universidad Isabel 1, and tips for environmentally friendly tourism;
4) Tour around the National Museum of the region;
5) Hike to the mountains in the Federal Specially Protected Natural Area “National Park Alania”.

On September, 28, 2020 NOSU Centre for Sustainable Development in collaboration with NOSU Department of Tourism and the regional Ministry of Tourism organize an educational game for NOSU students with participation of professors and experts on sustainable development of tourism in Specially Protected Natural Areas as part of the NOSU participation in the VI International Festival of Sustainable Development “VuzEcoFest-2020”.

Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation


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