Zonuzaq Village: An Architectural Marvel in Iran

Zonuzaq Village: An Architectural Marvel in Iran

26 - 27 September, 2020

The Zonuzaq village in Iran boasts a unique architecture as the yard of a house above serves as the roof of the house below.

Recently, the Zonuzaq village has come under the spotlight as Iran’s largest stair-like village and a tourism hub thanks to its natural and historical attractions.

Zonuzaq is Iran’s largest stair-like village located near the city of Zonouz in northwestern East Azarbaijan province. It lies next to the provincial capital of Tabriz.

Homes in the village boast beautiful architecture and the yard of each house above is, in fact, the roof of another house below. Local women wear traditional and colourful costumes.

The passageways and coloured houses in the village still maintain their historical identity. Some of the houses there date back to the Safavid era. Some experts believe the village dates back to the Ilkhanate rule, but there are manuscripts in the local cemetery which show the village was established in an era before the Ilkhanate rule.

The main industry in the village is the production of orchard produce such as apples, apricots and walnuts.

Villagers pay due regard to education, and there are people with Master’s and PhD degrees in each and every house there.

In addition to its different architecture and great antiquity, the village can be very attractive to tourists due to its pleasant weather.

Zonuzaq Village: An Architectural Marvel in Iran


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