Building a resilient tourism sector in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities in the Mediterranean
The objective of the event – under the title “Building a resilient tourism sector in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities in the Mediterranean” – is to shed light on the current situation of tourism in the Mediterranean amid the COVID-19 pandemic, how EU-funded projects are addressing this new reality and what could be done to support a sustainable future of the industry.
The webinar will bring the point of view of participants from both shores of the Mediterranean and gather representatives of the 4 ENI CBC Med projects funded under the tourism topic - CROSSDEV, MEDUSA, MED GAIMS, Med Pearls - as well as sector experts. Special attention will be paid to the solutions the projects are developing to diversify tourism: from gamification, involvement of local communities, to slow and adventure tourism, projects are putting forward a series of innovations that can serve as models for local authorities and businesses willing to invest in sustainable tourism initiatives. Finally, opportunities available under funded projects – including grants, training, access to expertise, networking – will be highlighted. This includes the testimony of Enas Odeh Batha from Palestine who will rehabilitate the booth where she sells handmade accessories, embroidery and food production from local women thanks to a small grant awarded by the CROSSDEV project.
More information and registration