Challenged Expedition
This is a special interest community-inspired, person-centered, impact and purpose driven inclusion, educational, intercultural and diversity management eco tour, field trip, sightseeing, excursion, adventure, outdoor recreation, leisure, pleasure, active, healthy living and lifestyles event.
For one of the most vulnerable, needy, deprived, underserved, marginalized, underprivileged and minority groups who are often taken for granted segment within communities and society. And regrettably, are predominantly confined to the periphery of economic, political, developmental, public, social, cultural, societal, community and family structures particularly, within Ghana.
This event, is expected to serves as formidable platform to create and/or elevate national, social, public, grassroots, community and broad based education, information dissemination, communication, narratives, conversation, storytelling, awareness, sensitization and advocacy. About the humiliating, agonizing, pathetic and detrimental public and private infrastructure, transportation, mobility, spaces, places, facilities, amenities, information, events and services.
Particularly, tourist sites, attractions, locations, activities, experiences and services accessibility. Other serious diverse and intrinsically intertwined pervasive, emerging and systemic detrimental public, social, cultural, economic, developmental, political, human and minority rights difficulties, limitations, barriers and challenges. Which Persons Living with Disabilities in Ghana grapple with in their daily lives.
This special event, is also in support, contribution and/or complimentary to celebrating and promoting the power of tourism as a force for good. And as well as achieving and maintaining Tourism for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Nine (9): Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Ten (10): Reduced Inequalities and Seventeen (17): Partnerships for the Goals.