Tourism for inclusive growth: restarting birdwatching along the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive social and economic impact. Birdwatching at the countries of the Rift Valley/Red Sea have been hit. Local service providers are the most vulnerable groups that have been hit hardest of all. The restart of tourism will help kickstart recovery and growth. It is essential that the benefits this will bring are enjoyed widely and fairly.
The Migratory Soaring Birds (MSB) project has therefore decided to celebrate World Tourism Day 2021 designated by the UNWTO in 2021 under the theme “Tourism for Inclusive Growth” with an event under the same title under the bigger umbrella towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals particularly Goals 1 (no poverty), 5 (gender equality), 8 (decent work and economic growth) and 10 (reduce inequalities).
This is an opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that, behind every business and number, there is a person. The objective is to celebrate tourism’s unique ability to ensure that nobody is left behind as the world begins to open up again and look to the future.
At this year World Tourism Day, celebrated each year on 27th of September, the MSB project will give the chance of service providers along the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway to tell their individual stories of how they managed with COVID and how they see the way forward. The webinar will show case how the birdwatching players/stakeholders along the flyway are aiming to re-launch their activities again through partnerships, advocacy and looking to the future.
We will hear from a suite of speakers from tourism sector:
1. Mr. Tarek Abdelmoneim: General Manager at Travco - Egypt
2. Eng. Umaima Al Majthoub: Lecturer/Trainer and short courses coordinator at Ammon Applied University College (AAUC) – Jordan.
3. Mr. Andre Bcharra: Great Escape CEO & Ecotourism expert and rural development coordinator at SPNL – Lebanon.
Register here: https://birdlife.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QERmG1bdS22eZkPIGIn9Jw