UNWTO Asia-Pacific Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

14 December, 2021 - 29 March, 2022
Manila, the Philippines
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Measuring the sustainability of tourism (MST) aims to bring to all countries in the world a common framework to measure the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment. This is essential to better understand the role of tourism in sustainable development and to pragmatically monitor progress, especially in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals.

With new situations emerging from the unprecedented covid-19 pandemic, tourism restarts with sustainability as the new normal. Being able to properly measure the sustainability of the tourism sector for monitoring relevant policies has become crucial. In the meantime, the tourism industry have shown an increased commitment to implementing sustainability concepts and measures in recent years. These underline the need for the development of the MST.

Therefore, UNWTO jointly organizes the UNWTO Asia-Pacific Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism with the Department of Tourism of the Philippines. This event is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea.

Contact information:


Ms. Eunji Tae, Department Officer
Mr. Benjamin Iong, Programme Analyst
Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific

Department of Tourism of the Philippines

Mr. Vic Bayhonan, Office-in-Charge
International Relations Division 


Session Presentations 

Session 1

  1. 1.1 Introduction to the UNWTO/UNSD Project on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) and the tourism SDG indicators_Clara van del Pol
  2. 1.2 Towards a measurement framework for sustainable tourism in Jamaica_Jhanelle-Rae Bowie
  3. 1.3 Linking tourism policies and indicators – Ms. Christina Leala Gale, Manager of the Sustainable Tourism and Research Division, Pacific Tourism Organization
  4. 1.4 MST relevance from an Ocean Accounting perspective – Mr. Anthony Dvarskas, Regional Adviser, Environment Statistics, UNESCAP

Session 2

  1. 2.1 Overview of the Statistical Framework for MST and key tables_Carl Obst
  2. 2.2 Estimating water and energy consumption in tourism in the Philippines_Gerald Junne L. Clariño
  3. 2.5 Community Surveys on Attitude to Tourism in Niue and Cook Islands– Mr Simon Milne, Auckland University

Session 3

  1. 3.1 Developing indicators for the Pacific Tourism Statistics Strategy 2021-2030Mark Lound
  2. 3.2 Main challenges for future tourism statistics, including a sustainable developmentNico Heerschap

Video of the UNWTO Asia-Pacific Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism

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