Nineteenth meeting - Committee on Statistics

Nineteenth meeting - Committee on Statistics

25 - 26 February, 2019
UN Tourism Headquarters,Madrid,es

The 19th meeting of the Committee on Statistics was hold in UN Tourism Headquarters, Madrid (Spain) on 26-27 February 2019.


Recent developments on the MST project
Cooperation between international organizations
Insights to specific sustainability challenges and their evidence-based approaches
MST research agenda on cenceptual issues
  • Mr. Cesare Costantino (UN Tourism consultant): Measuring the social dimension of the sustainability of tourism (doc) (ppt)
  • Mr. Manpreet Singh (ILO): MST sub-group on Employment - Key Findings and Recommendations (doc) (ppt)
  • Ms. Mélanie Gauche (France): Defining spatial areas for measuring the sustainability of tourism at a subnational  level (doc) (ppt)
  • Mr. Cesare Costantino (UN Tourism consultant): The tourism demand perspective and allocating environmental flows associated with transport activity (doc) (ppt)
MST on the ground
Tourism Satellite Account: what's coming next?
The way forward and closing

Photos of the nineteenth meeting (click on the image to expand)



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