Sixth meeting - Committee on Statistics and Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism
20 - 21 March, 2005
Meeting documents:
- Basic documents:
- WTO New UN Specialized Agency Status (English)
- Enlarging WTO's Working Programme (English)
- WTO Statistical Programme for the period 2006/2007 (English)
- WTO Conference 2005 (English)
- ISCO-88 update and "tourism"occupations (English)
- Understanding and measuring the Meeting Industry (English)
- Measuring domestic tourism and the use of household surveys (English)
- Other documents:
Documents of participants
- Countries
- Canada
- 2004 Report on Tourism Statistics (English)
- Status Report on Related Activities of Canada’s National Tourism Research Program (English)
- The growing importance of the service industries: The need for sub-annual indicators (English)
- PTSA Task Force Draft Report (English)
- A Feasibility Study of Foreign Direct Investment in Canada’s Tourism Sector, 1987 – 1997 (English)
- Study of the Canadian Tourism Satellite Account (CTSA) (English)
- Feasibility Study on a Tourism Human Resource Module (English)
- Progresses in TSA Developments: an Assessment (English)
- Quarterly Business Conditions Survey for the Traveller Accommodation Industry – questionnaire (English)
- Quarterly Business Conditions Survey – Traveller Accommodations – presentation (English)
- France
- Canada
- Organizations
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM)
- World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)