WTD2021 The portable exhibition, Moreška and Kumpanije - dances with swords on the island of Korčula 24 September - 15 October, 2021 Europe
WTD2021 La importancia de los actores del turismo desde la inclusión y el crecimiento económico 27 September, 2021 Americas
WTD2021 We are the ones who can overcome all the sorrows caused by an epidemic.. 27 September, 2021 Africa
WTD2021 We are the ones who can overcome all the sorrows caused by an epidemic.. 27 September, 2021 Africa
WTD2021 We are the ones who can overcome all the sorrows caused by an epidemic.. 27 September, 2021 Africa
WTD2021 Tourism and Inclusive Growth: Embracing the Voices of Diversity 27 September, 2021 Asia and the Pacific