WTD2021 Celebración Día Mundial del Turismo 2021 por el Semillero Tyquy Uba: experiencias de inclusión. 24 September, 2021 Americas
WTD2021 Photo exhibition on the theme of: «Plastic Pollution - another threat to the beauty of our sand and sea & key contributor to environmental degradation» 27 September, 2021 Europe
WTD2021 Abiraami Yogaalayam's PALLAVAN 2.0 a Social awareness program on World Tourism Day-2021 27 September, 2021 Asia and the Pacific
WTD2021 17th Amity International Tourism & Hospitality Conference 2021(AITHC 2021) on 23rd and 24th September 2021 as International Industry Academia Conclave on " Tourism for Inclusive Growth : Promoting Equality and Sustainable Economic Development” to comme 27 September - 03 October, 2021 Asia and the Pacific
WTD2021 World Tourism Day 2021 - Tourism for Inclusive Growth 27 September, 2021 Asia and the Pacific