4th UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media - Building new partnerships, Tunis, Tunisia, 12-13 November 2015

4th UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media - Building new partnerships, Tunis, Tunisia, 12-13 November 2015

11 - 12 November, 2015

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Government of Tunisia are organizing a conference on the theme: ''Tourism and the Media'', from November 12 to 13, 2015 in Tunis, Tunisia, at the invitation of the Tunisian Government. This conference is open to the participation of the UNWTO Member States, Affiliate Members of UNWTO and other invited delegations and other representatives of the tourism industry sector.

Find here the presentations and speeches of the Conference:

Watch here the presentations and speeches of the Conference:



Watch the full conference on Youtube here


See the photos of conference on Flickr!