51st UNWTO Commission for Africa and Regional Seminar
Contact persons:
Mr. Ousmane Ndiaye, Regional Director, Regional Programme for Africa
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), C/ Poeta Joan Maragall, 42, 28020 MADRID, Spain
Tel.:+34 91 56 78 100; Fax:+34 91 57 13 733/ 91 56 78 219; Email: rdaf@unwto.org
Mr. Milloho Dramane, Director General
National Tourism Board of Burkina Faso, 01 B.P. 1311 Ouaga 01, OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso
Tel.:+226 75 97 61 10/ 70 52 57 36; Fax:+226 50 33 09 64; Email: dmillogo@hotmail.com; ont@cenatrin.bf
Mrs. Balima Rosalie
Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Francophonie, 03 B.P. 7007 Ouaga 03, OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso
Tel.:+226 70 26 66 82/ 75 26 91 03; Fax:+226 50 33 09 64; Email: balimarosa@yahoo.fr
Mrs. Traoré Mariam
National Tourism Board of Burkina Faso, 01 B.P. 1311 Ouaga 01, OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso
Tel.:+226 76 62 20 30/ 70 52 57 36; Fax:+226 50 33 09 64; Email: ma_traore@yahoo.fr