UNWTO Capacity Building Course on Tourism Policy and Strategy in the Democratic Republic of Congo
The UNWTO Capacity Building Course on Tourism Policy and Strategy taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo and, organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), its Foundation UNWTO.Themis and the Ministry of Tourism of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was inaugurated on 18 May by H.E. Mr. Willy Makiashi, Deputy-Prime Minister, Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Welfare, H.E. Mr. Elvis Mutiri wa Bashara, Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Elcia Grandcourt, Director of the UNWTO Regional Programme for Africa and Mr. Mouad Achhab from the UNWTO.Themis Foundation. The course will be led by two facilitators: Mr. Jorge Guerrero Lozano and Mr. Henri Rabemanantsoa with the support of the UNWTO team represented by Mrs. Lydia Bebekum, Senior Programme Assistant of the UNWTO Regional Programme for Africa.
This course aims to analyze some key concepts on tourism policy and strategy, sustainable tourism, value chain, analysis, planning, strategy design and evaluation and monitoring strategy, as well as providing to the participants knowledge, skills, tools and a platform for discussion and reflection on tourism strategy. Among the activities of the course, participants will work on case studies on sub territories: River Congo, bonobos Park and surroundings, and the city-center of Kinshasa.