UNWTO.TedQual Certification: Quality Assurance for Tourism Education, Training and Research Programmes
The UNWTO.TedQual Certification is a certification issued by the World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, to support the quality of tourism education and training programmes. Quality of education should be seen as an integral process that embodies the degree to which the perception of the beneficiaries (students, employers, civil society) meet their prior expectations regarding the programme, as well as a professional approach for all actors involved in the tourism sector to do things right at all times and meet legitimate expectations of consumers/tourists, thus helping to implement the principles contained in the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
Subsequently, all Institutions/Programmes willing to obtain the UNWTO.TedQual Certification will be part of a continuous quality improvement process that integrates the UN purposes and principles as a transversal aspect - with the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism when it comes to tourism, the student learning outcomes as a core issue to be evaluated during the entire process, and the connection and response of the tourism programme to the needs of future employers (public and private) and worldwide reality as a need to be present in the definition and implementation of the curriculum and pedagogical system with Faculty and Management playing a key role in its materialization. All of these aspects will be the Institution’s mark of distinction when being compared to other tourism education and training programmes around the world.