Scholarships opportunities
Since 2014, the UNWTO Knowledge Network, in collaboration with UNWTO Affiliate Member the Faculty of International Tourism and Management from the City University of Macau, has offered scholarships to outstanding young students and professionals from UNWTO Affiliate Members and institutions with UNWTO TedQual-certified programmes in Africa. As of last year, nine students from Zambia and Morocco, five in their first year and four in their second year, studied in Macao, China expanding their knowledge and expertise.
For more information on the programme, please visit the City University of Macau website at: http://www.cityu.edu.mo/fitm/course.html and direct any questions regarding the application process to knetwork@unwto.org.
For the period 2016-2017, four students will benefit from the scholarship for the Masters Program of International Hospitality and Tourism Management (three scholarships equivalent to US$ 11,500) and the Doctoral Programme in International Tourism Management, (one scholarship equivalent to US$ 26,900). Both programmes are UNWTO TedQual-certified.
This ongoing initiative is part of the UNWTO Knowledge Network Talent Development Platform, which aims to nurture young talent through internships, knowledge transfer and research, as well as promoting student mobility worldwide.