October 13, 2017

UNWTO supports Seychelles in the development of its Tourism Satellite Account (TSA)

Following recent agreement between UNWTO and the Republic of Seychelles, UNWTO expert, David McEwen, steered an initial assessment of the current system of Tourism Statistics in Seychelles in view of developing a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA). The latter was conducted through a series of consultative meetings with a number of key stakeholders and an intense 2-day workshop with the aim of identifying challenges and gaps to determine the statistics needed to compile the ten tables required for the TSA.

 Whilst it was pointed out that the ground work have been laid by National Statistics Bureau and other key agencies in having appropriate mechanisms in place to collect the relevant statistics thereby paving the way for a smooth implementation of the TSA, a number of recommendations were proposed including strengthening the visitor survey, establishing focus groups with ground operators and measuring domestic tourism.

The Seychelles is expecting to have a fully-fledged TSA within 3 years.