UNWTO Workshop addresses quality in product development in tourism destinations
PR No.: PR 16081
During two days, 15-17 September 2016, experts from the private and public sectors have discussed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the relevance of quality in product development in tourism destinations. The workshop is the result of the commitment reached through the Memorandum of Understanding undersigned between UNWTO and the Government of Ethiopia in 2014 aimed at developing the tourism sector in the country.
The workshop conducted by UNWTO on 15-17 September 2016 with the support of the Ministry of Tourism of Ethiopia provided a global insight into the positioning of African destinations along with the new dynamics and trends in the overall marketplace. The sessions highlighted the need to develop and deliver quality, ethical and attractive tourism products and services to enhance competitiveness and to explore innovative strategies to stimulate new products and niche markets.
The meeting was a unique opportunity to discuss challenges and constraints as well as strategic approaches to cope with sustainability issues while maximizing the benefits of tourism for the local destinations. Cooperation between UNWTO and the Government of Ethiopia has results in a number of projects in the last decade such as the implementation of a new hotel classification scheme funded by the World Bank and initiated in 2015.
“This workshop takes place at a significant moment when international tourism shows repeatedly its ability to boost inclusive economic growth of many nations around the world, improve livelihoods of local communities and is an essential tool for conservation and environment protection,” said Elcia Grandcourt, Director of the Regional Programme for Africa at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
According to UNWTO figures, the number of international tourist arrivals in Africa reached 53.5 million in 2015, which represents 5% of the world´s total and contributes a total of US$ 33 billion in terms of exports to the region. The future prospects for the region remain positive. Between January and June 2016, arrivals in Africa grew an estimated 5%. UNWTO estimations project international tourist arrivals in Africa to reach 134 million by 2030.
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