Paraguay commits to fostering development through tourism
PR No.: PR 14073
The government of Paraguay committed to continue promoting tourism’s economic and social benefits as a driver of development on accepting the UNWTO/World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Open Letter on Travel and Tourism. (Asunción, Paraguay, 9 October 2014).
“Paraguay commits to continue strengthening tourism, a sector that contributes to improve the quality of life of our people”, said the acting President of Paraguay, H.E. Vice President Juan Eudes Afara Maciel in accepting the Open Letter. “Tourism is a key job creator, directly but also in related sectors and supports small, medium and micro enterprises. At the same time, tourism is a significant tool to promote peace and international stability”, he added.
UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, expressed the Organization’s confidence in that “the tourism sector will continue to be a priority for the development of Paraguay, a route to a brighter future of your people and a stage to promote your culture and the beauty of your country”.
David Scowsill, President and CEO of WTTC, says; “The receiving of the Open Letter cements the continued recognition by the new administration of the amazing impact that Travel & Tourism has on a country’s social and economic prosperity. Paraguay has wonderful natural assets to share with the world and its strong growth forecasts for Travel & Tourism will bring new jobs and wealth to the country”.
On the occasion of the presentation of the Open Letter, 14 associations representing Paraguay’s private sector, adhered to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, committing to maximise tourism’s benefits while minimising its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies.
Paraguay has been one of the key international tourism performers in South America in recent years, almost doubling the number of international tourist arrivals from 341.000 in 2005 to 610.000 in 2013. More importantly, the income generated by international tourism grew from US$ 78 million in 2005 to US$ 275 million in 2013.
Note to Editors:
The UNWTO/WTTC Open Letter outlines Travel & Tourism’s value as one of the world’s largest generators of jobs, a powerful driver of socio-economic growth and development and a key player in the transformation to the Green Economy. To date, the Open Letter has been received by 68 heads of state and government.
In signing the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, companies pledge to uphold, promote and implement the values of responsible and sustainable tourism development championed by the Code. They further undertake to report on their implementation of the Code's principles in their corporate governance to the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.
To date, 312 companies and associations from around the world have signed the Private Sector Commitment to the Code of Ethics.
Useful links:
UNWTO/WTTC Open Letter on Travel and Tourism
UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
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