In May 2016 UNWTO and Guangzhou Chimelong Group have signed a partnership agreement during the First World Conference on Tourism for Development in Beijing to establish the "UNWTO/Chimelong Initative", which both parties will work together to support sustainable tourism and wildlife protection through tourism.
Within the framework of the partnership agreement, the UNWTO/Chimelong Initiative: Workshop for Poverty Reduction and Tourism Development in Guangdong, China will be jointly organized by UNWTO and Chimelong in Guangdong, China. The workshop will be a milestone towards raising the awareness of the importance of tourism in poverty reduction and recognizing the contribution of Guangdong province to poverty alleviation.
The main objective of this workshop is to raise the awareness of the importance of tourism in poverty reduction, encourage the exchange of knowledge and discussion on opportunities and challenges of poverty reduction. With this platform the stakeholders from both public and private sectors can share their best practices on poverty reduction through tourism and strengthen their collaboration. This workshop also supports the objectives of the 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development of UNWTO and advocates the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UN.
Presentation File PPT档:
全球旅游: 响应变化中的世界
联合国世界旅游组织可持续发展观测点案例 – 成都观测点
熊晓杰先生 ,长隆集团市场总经理
广东省扶贫案例 – 河源巴伐利亚庄园旅游项目扶贫报告
郑勇军先生 ,河源巴登新城投资有限公司总裁
Workshop Photo 活动照片
Contact information 联络方式:
UNWTO Secretariat 联合国世界旅游组织秘书处
Ms. Mandy Ho 何佩欣小姐
UNWTO Regional Program for Asia and the Pacific 亚太部
Email 电邮: