We are pleased to inform you that at the gracious invitation of the People’s Government of Guilin of China, the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) are organizing the 11th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook scheduled to be held in Guilin, China from 10-12 October 2017. This year´s forum will be organized under the theme of "SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: Beyond Being Green" to celebrate the 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
The Guilin Forum provides an annual Pan-Asia-Pacific platform for policy makers, senior officials, researchers and industry representatives to take stock of global & regional trends and to better understand their potential impacts on tourism. The event, under the joint umbrella of the UNWTO and PATA, will allow participants to share information, analyse the current tourism situation and map out the next course of action for the future.
Day one (10 October 2017)
Keynote Session One: Sustainable Tourism for Development
International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 - Marcio Favilla, Executive Director, UNWTO
Three Decades of Sustainable Tourism Research - Ralf Buckley, Griffith University, Australia
Panel Session One: Sustainable Tourism for Development – Best Policy Practice
Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST) - Clara Van Der Pol, Statistics, Trends and Policy, UNWTO
Philippines Gearing Towards Sustainable - Francisco M. Lardizabal, Chief Tourism Operations Officer, Department of Tourism, Philippines
Developments towards the Measuring Sustainable Tourism in Fiji - Artika Devi, Senior Statistician, Fiji Bureau of Statistics, Fiji
Learning from ‘Resident Attitudes towards Tourism’ for Tourism Cities? - Vincent Nijs, Visit Flanders-European Travel Commission’s Market Intelligence Group
Panel Session Two: Sustainable Tourism for Development – Best Industry Practice
Sustainability in Hospitality - Jude Kasturi Arachchi, Director, Jet Wing, Sri Lanka
Sustainable Mobility (Transport) for Heritage and Attraction Sites - Vincent Calzaroni, CEO, BlueSolutions, Cambodia
Sustainable Preservation of Heritage & Importance of Green Spaces - Jean Wee, Director, Preservation of Sites & Monuments, National Heritage Board, Singapore
Sustainable Tourism through Home Sharing - Mile Orgill, Head of Public Policy Asia-Pacific, Airbnb
Keynote Session Two: Tourism for Sustainable Development in China
Holistic Tourism: Governance System and Product Updates in the Construction of China as a Destination Country - Wu Bihu, Professor, Peking University, China
Holistic Tourism for Sustainable Rural Development in China - An Li, Vice President of Airbnb China
Attitude & The Sustainability of Tourism – Cases of China - Zhang Jie, Professor, Nanjing University, China
Day Two (11 October 2017)
Keynote Session Three: Tourism Trends and Outlook 2017-2018
Update on Latest Trends and Outlook – Clara Van Der Pol, Statistics, Trends and Policy, UNWTO
Asia Pacific Trends and Outlook – Industry 4.0 and Implications for Sustainability – John Koldowski, PATA
Chinese Outbound Tourism – Vincent Nijs, European Travel Commission’s Market Intelligence Group
Tourism Education on and beyond the Horizon – Cathy Hsu, Chair Professor, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Panel Session Three: The Role of Academia in Driving Sustainability
The monitoring of sustainable tourism development: University as a Driver for Sustainable Tourism on Experience and Lessons from China – Xu Honggang, Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Research in Poverty Alleviation through Tourism and Sustainable Development of Minority Areas – Cheng Daopin, President, Guilin Tourism University, China
Sustainability and Resilience in Action in Community-based Tourism Development – Learning from Dabang – Tsung-chiung (Emily) Wu, Professor, National Dong-hwa University, Taiwan
Keynote Session Four: Sustainability in a New Height
Building on Three Decades of Sustainable Tourism Practice – Ted Manning, President, TouriskInc., Canada
Scaling Greater Heights – Wealth, Health and Self Actualization – Ong Hong Peng, Chairman, National Arts, Culture & Heritage Academy of Malaysia
Beyond Sustainable Development – Geoffrey Wall, Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada
The Utilisation of Big Data in Indonesian Tourism Management – I Dge Pitana, Deputy Minister for International Marketing, Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia
Please refer to the presentations of the previous editions of the Forum via the link