19th General Assembly - Regional Comission Meeting for Asia and the Pacific
Important note:
In compliance with the United Nations system’s environmental protection policy, the working documents will not be distributed on paper at the venue of the event. Therefore, the delegates are requested to bring with them copies of the documents.
Officers of the Plenary Session of the General Assembly
Members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
States Members of the World Tourism Organization
Membership of the Executive Council
Elections to the Executive Council
Members of the Programme Committee
Members of the Committee on Budget and Finance
Members of the Sustainable Development of Tourism Committeee
Members of the Committee onStatistics and the Tourism Satellite Account
CSA documents:
Officers of the Regional Commisions South Asia
Nominations and Elections to Statutory Organs and their Subsidiary Bodies
Provisional Agenda CSA 53rd Meeting
CAP documents:
Officers of the Regional Commissions East Asia and the Pacific
States Members of the UNWTO Executive Council 1975-2013 East Asia and the Pacific
Nominations and Elections to Statutory Organs and their Subsidiary Bodies CAP
Provisional Agenda CAP 49th Meeting