The 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly Special Session

The 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly Special Session on Smart Tourism

13 - 14 September, 2017
General Assembly Special Session on Smart Tourism will be held in Chengdu, China from 14 to 15 September, 2017 within the framework of the 22nd Session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). It is jointly organized by UNWTO and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) in collaboration with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang DRORE Technology Co.,Ltd, Zhejiang University. 
With the theme of ‘A More Sustainable Tourism Future through Technology and Innovation’, the Conference coincides with the celebration of the UN declared International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017.  It is aimed at building an understanding of the latest digital technologies and their applications to tourism, this subject being also one of the three pillar priorities of the UNWTO general programme of work. 



Technical Notes


Day one (14 September 2017)

Keynote Presentation  

Smart Tourism Destination of Spain - Mr. Jose Manuel Soria, Global Economic Consultant And Former Spanish Minister, Industry, Energy and Tourism

Panel 1 - New technologies to enhance tourism sector performance

UNWTO research on New Platform Tourism Services - Mr. John Kester, Director, Statistics and Trends Programme of UNWTO

Panel 2 - Smart destinations

Smart destinations - Mr. Antonio Lopez de Avila, Special Advisor of the UNWTO Secretary General on Tourism and Technology 

Mr. David Scowsill, CEO, EON Reality, Inc.

Fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Portugal - Mr. Sérgio Guerreiro, Director, Knowledge Management & Corporate Affairs, Turismo de Portugal and Representing the European Travel Commission

Rising Interest in Eating Experience in Japan - Mr. Seiichiro Kubo, President, Gurunavi, Inc.

Day Two (15 September 2017)

Keynote Presentation: Transforming organisations to be truly ‘smart’

The beauty and wisdom of Sichuan tourism   - Mr. Bin Hu, Secretary of Party Committee, Tourism Development Committee of Sichuan

Smart tourism destination ecosystems disruption and reengineering agility & competitiveness  - Mr. Dimitrios Buhalis, Director, The eTourism Lab and Deputy Director, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University

Transforming organisations to be truly ‘smart’ - Mr. Simon Leung, Business Development Director APAC, Traveltek

Panel 3 - Destination case studies in smart tourism   

Maldives - the sunny side of life - Mr. Hussain Lirar, Deputy Minister Ministry of Tourism, Maldives

Thailand 4.0 (Smart Industry + Smart City + Smart People) - Mr. Santi Chudintra, Deputy Governor, Thailand Tourism Authority

Online travel and travel destination Win - Win CooperationMr. Dunde Yu, CEO, Tuniu 


Keynote Presentation: Making Chinese destinations smart



Build Real Smart Tourism Destination - Mr. Shuifa Wang, Guest Professor, Zhejiang University 

Technology Lightening World Canal City Tour - Minyang Zhu, President, the world canal historical, cultural and urban cooperative organization (WCCO)

Panel 4 – Smart tools for heritage conservation and sustainability

Mr. Yuanjian Ma, Director of Dujiangyan & Qingcheng Mountain Authority

Panel 5 – Concluding session

Thematic summary and recommendations - Mr. Roger Carter, Managing Director, TEAM Tourism Consulting

Forum Coordinator from UNWTO

Mr. Tom Bu
Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Poeta Joan Maragall 42, Madrid 28020, Spain
Tel: +34 91 567 8246