26th CAP-CSA Joint Commission Meeting
The 26th Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and the UNWTO Commission for South Asia will be held in Legazpi, Philippines on the 18th of May 2014.
The CSA/CAP Joint Commission meeting is UNWTO´s principal annual event in the Asia Pacific Region, attended last year by over 80 representatives from UNWTO Member States, in addition to some UNWTO Affiliate Members and international and regional organizations including JATA, World Federation of Tourist Guides Association (WFTGA) and Korea Tourism Organization (KTO).
This year one key item on the agenda of the Joint Commission will be a debate on air connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region.
For Further information, please contact the following persons:
UNWTO Coordinator
Ms. Christine Brew
Senior Programme Assistant
Regional Programme for Asia and Pacific
A Specialized Agency of the United Nations
C/ Poeta Joan Maragall 42, 28020 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 567 8192
Fax: 91 571 37 33
Email: cbrew@unwto.org
Host Country Coordinator
Mr. Alex M. Macatuno
Chief, Policy Formulation and Evaluation
Department of Tourism
DOT Building, 351 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave.
Makati City, Philippines
Tel. No. (63) (2) 459-55-00 to 30
local 514
Email: ammacatuno@tourism.gov.ph