6th Global Summit on Urban Tourism

6th Global Summit on Urban Tourism

04 - 06 December, 2017
Majestic Hotel,Kuala Lumpur,my

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), at the kind invitation of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Malaysia, organized the 6th Global Summit on Urban Tourism: "Sustainable and Competitive Tourism on the New Urban Agenda" from 4 - 6 December, 2017 in Kuala Lumpur.


The UN system, through its joint statement to the HABITAT III Conference (October, 2016, Quito, Ecuador) adopted the resolution on the “New Urban Agenda” which addresses a shared vision and list of guiding principles and commitments for sustainable urbanization together with policies, strategies, planning and effective action to facilitate inclusive economic growth, structural transformation, innovation, job creation and the empowerment of the urban stakeholders.

Within this context, sustainable and competitive urban tourism highly contributes to the commitments of the New Urban Agenda as well as to the SDGs.

The 6th Summit provided the participants with an invaluable opportunity to explore the way forward on how to capitalize upon the opportunities for a sustainable and competitive urban tourism by clearly analysing the key factors and parameters for success.

Themes covered

The Summit promoted a globally shared vision and a strategic approach to re-address the tools to adapt to the new paradigms in urban tourism while achieving coherence among the tourism activities, urban development policies and the economic and social benefits for the local inhabitants through integrated planning, efficient governance, knowledge management and professionalism in operations.

Targeted Participants

  • National Tourism Administrations/Organizations
  • UNWTO Affiliate Members
  • Local authorities, municipalities and international and/ or regional associations/networks of local authorities
  • Urban DMOs and Convention Bureaus
  • Travel trade representatives
  • Cultural institutions
  • Academic institutions, scientists and experts related to city tourism research
  • Urban planners and architects,
  • Transport operators and ICT providers ans Start-ups

Save the Date

The next edition of the UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Tourism will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 17-19 September 2018.

Previous Summits

1st UNWTO Global Summit on City Tourism, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

2nd UNWTO Global Summit on City Tourism, 2013, Moscow, Russian Federation

3rd UNWTO Global Summit on City Tourism, 2014, Barcelona, Spain

4th UNWTO Global Summit on City Tourism, 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco

5th UNWTO Global Summit on City Tourism, 2016, Luxor, Egypt




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