6th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook

10 - 12 October, 2012

UNWTO, in collaboration with PATA, is pleased to announce the 6th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook will be held on the 11-13 of October this year in Guilin, China.


The 6th UNWTO/PATA Forum on

Tourism Trends and Outlook

11-13 October, 2012

Guilin, China

This 6th edition of the Forum is jointly organised by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ciation (PATA), hosted by Guilin Municipal People’s Government and in collaboration with Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The forum will provide a platform for governments, industry and academics to share information, to analyze  global trends and the broader environment impacting on tourism, and to map out the appropriate course of actions.

The two-day forum will be divided into two sessions:

•  The technical sessions (on the first day) are aimed at a selected audience. The session will provide practitioners and academics with the opportunity to exchange the latest tourism research results and views on the inbound and outbound tourism trends with examples or best practices from a selected group of destinations and source markets in Asia and the Pacific. They will include the perspectives of both the public and private sectors.

•  The plenary sessions (on the second day) are open to a broad audience. These sessions, conducted by renowned international speakers from the tourism sectors, will be devoted to the current issues in tourism of the year. The long-term prospects and strategies for future tourism development in the Asia Pacific will also be discussed.

The Forum is aimed at participants from the following areas:

• Senior tourism policy, management, marketing and research officials from National Tourism Administrations,  National Tourism Organizations, regional and local Tourism Administrations and Tourism Organizations;

• Practitioners from tourism industries (tour operators, hotels, transport services, financial bodies, consultancy firms, etc);

•  Research institutions and universities.


Please click this link to download the presentation files for this year

Please click this link to download presentations from past events





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