SEMINAR ON TOURISM ETHICS FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: Responsible Tourism and Its Socio-Economic Impact on Local Communities

SEMINAR ON TOURISM ETHICS FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: Responsible Tourism and Its Socio-Economic Impact on Local Communities

11 June, 2011
Melia Nusa Dua Hotel,Bali,id

The first Seminar on Tourism Ethics for Asia and the Pacific: Responsible Tourism and Its Socio-Economic Impact on Local Communities was organized by UNWTO in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia.

10th Meeting of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (Bali, Indonesia, June 2011)

Held in Bali on 11 June 2011, it had the added distinction of being the first of its kind to take place in parallel with a meeting of the World Committee of Tourism Ethics, whose members convened in Bali for its 10thsession on 12 and 13 June 2011.

The Seminar drew together a broad spectrum of tourism stakeholders from Asia and beyond – representing governments, the tourism industry, international organizations, the education sector and non-governmental organizations – to discuss pressing issues in tourism ethics and responsible tourism.

Alongside sessions on conceptual issues, policy formulation and the value of tourism ethics for improved tourism products and services, the Seminar focused on best practices concerning the socio-economic impact of sustainable tourism development on local communities.


Constituing one of the foremost hubs of debate on sustainable tourism in 2011, the Seminar also allowed participants unable to present their achievements during the event had an opportunity to do so at a Best Practice Exhibition, held concurrently in the room adjacent to the Seminar hall.

The Spirit of Bali Statement adopted by the over 150 participants of the Seminar summarizes the main conclusions of the debate and pledges all stakeholders to work together to achieve the proposed recommendations.

The official Report of the Seminar on Tourism Ethics for Asia and the Pacific  is now available here.


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