United Nations Symposium on Mainstreaming Sector Policies into Integrated National Sustainable Development Planning

13 - 15 October, 2014

The United Nations Symposium on mainstreaming sector policies into integrated national and local-level development planning: Sustainable tourism, urbanisation, resource efficiency, biodiversity and environmental protection is planned to be held in Tehran from 14 to 16 October 2014. The aim of the symposium is to promote a systematic integration of economic, social and environmental considerations into national and local level policy and decision-making. The Symposium will contribute to the implementation of Rio+20 decisions by advocating a more systemic inclusion of all concerned stakeholders into national and local planning and public policy decision making processes. It will demonstrate the advantages and benefits of integrated over sector planning and policy making in particular with regard to more sustainable development of tourism and city planning, taking into full account important public concerns such as resource efficiency, biodiversity and environmental protection. 

Co-organized by: Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicraft and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) And United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) in collaboration with  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Department of the Environment of Islamic Republic of Iran and United Nations Development Programme

Find more information about this event on the official event website.

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Email contact: g_khavari@yahoo.com


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