UNWTO Tourism Educational Seminar Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam

08 - 20 December, 2013


・Nara Prefectural University

・Hotel Nikko Nara

・Technical tour sites in Hyogo, Okayama and Hiroshima Prefecture


Organized by:

・UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific (RSOAP)

・Asia-Pacific Tourism Exchange Center (APTEC)


Sponsored by

・The Nippon Foundation


With the Cooperation of:

・Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA)

・Japan Tourism Agency (JTA)

・Nara Prefectural Government


Participants (Invited):

・CAMBODIA / Kingdom of Cambodia (3 representatives)

・LAO PDR / Lao People’s Democratic Republic (3 representatives)

・MYANMAR / Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2 representatives)

・VIET NAM / Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (3 representatives)



The Asia and the Pacific has been one of the most dynamic tourism markets over the past five to ten years and is now the world’s second most important region in terms of international arrivals. (Attracting 218 million arrivals in 2011, compared with 509 million in Europe and 156 million in the Americas).

Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam have shown great growth from 2010 to 2011 and play a significant role in terms of tourism arrival in Asia. However, they are not fully reached their maximum tourism potential. Furthermore, they possess the unique and abundant, historical and cultural tourism resources that attract international tourists.

By utilizing such tourism resources effectively and properly, sustainable tourism economy development will positively impact neighbor countries, as well as placing greater importance on capacity building enhancement in the field of tourism both for public and private sector.

In this context, UNWTO RSOAP and its supporting body; Asia-Pacific Tourism Exchange Center (APTEC), by financial support from The Nippon Foundation, are very pleased to organize this educational seminar for enhancing its capacity of the captioned countries.

The organizers wish that this seminar will make a fruitful contribution for sustainable tourism development of four countries.


Program Components:

・Learning for the concept of  “Statistical Methods for Tourism” including “Tourism Satellite Account” (TSA) by UNWTO is one of the best way to know the impact of tourism in your country and to compare your tourism  barometer with other countries’ ones for designing appropriate policies and actions for the prosperity through tourism.

・Acquiring the essence of “Hospitality Management”, “Destination Management or Marketing” and other practical issues on tourism development will be fundamentals for enhancing the quality of travel experiences of your visitors or tourists.

・Making  presentations  based on conventional knowledge or insights by participants each and  work shop discussions  will be good opportunity.

To know other countries’ information with their destinations and share insights and knowledge among participants must be great chance for each participant to build up the trans-border network of persons in the same region.

・Sharing insights of “Active Usage of Foreign Capital  for promoting your Inbound Tourism” will do to take advantage of chances for contributing to each country tourism.

・Tourism inspection in Nara and Technical tour for Western Japan area will be provided.