UNWTO National Workshop on Tourism Satellite Account

UNWTO National Workshop on Tourism Satellite Account

30 October - 01 November, 2015


In line with UNWTO’s on-going efforts to assist its Member States to improve on the collection and compilation of basic tourism statistics and to map out a specific course of action towards the establishment of a full-fledged TSA, the UNWTO National Workshop on Tourism Satellite Account took place in Tehran from 31 October to 2 November 2015. UNWTO organised the workshop in collaboration with I ran Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO).

The overall objective of the technical mission was to assist Iran in the initiation of the Tourism Satellite Account development process. The Workshop attracted the participation of the various institutions (Central Bank, National Institute of Statistics, Immigration and ICHTO) whose collaboration is imperative for the development of TSA for Iran. 

In all, over 80 participants from these institutions and related tourism entities attended the workshop. Very lively question-and-answer sessions ensued testifying to the eagerness of the attendees to learn about the steps leading to the establishment of the 10 tables of the TSA. But the main highlight of the event was the presence of Iran’s Vice-President and President of ICHTO – the highest tourism authority at the closing ceremony of the workshop. In his address, he underlined Iran’s expectation of increased numbers of international tourists following the lifting of sanctions on Iran.


Workshop Programme Schedule 

Presentation for Session 1

Presentation for Session 2

Presentation for Session 3

Presentation for Session 4

Presentation for Session 5

Presentation for Session 6

Presentation for Session 7A

Presentation for Session 7B

Presentation for Session 8

Presentation for Session 9