Japan Travel Advisory (Updated March 16, 2011)
News from JNTO:
We are grateful for the warm support and thoughts from many people after the historic earthquake in Japan on March 11. While painstaking rescue and recovery efforts continue in the severely struck Tohoku region, the capital city Tokyo has been recovering from a strong shock, and the western Japan is unharmed. Both Narita and Haneda airports have been reopened, although public transportation in and around Tokyo has been recovered only partially. Some events have been canceled under the current situation, and we strongly recommend reconfirmation of the event schedule. Other popular destinations such as Kyoto, Osaka, Sapporo, Kanazawa and Hiroshima, didn’t receive any impact from the earthquake.
Tohoku Region: Tohoku is the hardest hit region. With no recovery of public transportation systems and continuous aftershocks, it is extremely difficult to travel to this region. Due to the nuclear power plant accident after the earthquake, it is strongly advised to refrain from traveling to Fukushima as well as to follow the updates.
Tokyo and Surrounding Areas: Despite the brief recovery of the public transportation networks, periodical blackouts have been imposed for power conservation, causing train delays and cancellation. Some hotels and other businesses shorten the business hours, and it is recommended to refer their updates in advance. This region may also experience some aftershocks.
Other Regions: Hokkaido, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu are unharmed, and tourism facilities and transportation service are operated as usual.
For visitors currently traveling in Japan, the Tokyo Headquarters of Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) provides around-the-clock information service at the Tourist Information Center (TIC):
TIC in Tokyo
Phone: +81-(0)3-3201-3331
Service in English, Chinese and Korean
The 24-hour service is available for the duration of current crisis
Please note that due to the intensive recovery effort, travel information is updated frequently. Please refer to multiple sources for latest information.