Back 5th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism 26 - 28 March, 2008 Encamp,ad Share this content: Share this article on Facebook Share this article on LinkedIn Share this article on Twitter Share this article on LinkedIn Organizers: Government of Andorra, the 7 commons and the OMT Documents Introductory Note (English) Programme (English) List of Participants 1.1 Scott Dawson - Climate change What are its repercussions for winter and summer tourism 1.2 Jean-Paul Ceron - Climate Change and Tourism Responding to a global challenge_FR 1.3 Miriam Scaglione - Climate change What are the opportunities and the dangers for tourism in mountains 2.1 Shardul Agrawala - The effects of climate change in the European Alps 2.2 Hugo Sartor - Adapting to climate change What is the future of the mountain resorts in Latin America 3.1 Mila Andreeva - Creating new winter sports resorts under the threat of climate change 3.2 Amitabh Sharma - Climate change and the future development of ski resorts in the Himalayas 4.2 Josef Zenhäusern - Global Warming - What is the future of World Cup Races 5.1 Sergio Blengini - Technological progress in the winter-sports facilities and equipment industry 5.2 Marcia Phillips - The adaptation costs of covering a glacier 6.3 Laurent Reynaud - Climate Change and the Future of Mountain Tourism 6.4 Conrad Blanche - Ski Resorts in 2020 - How to face the future Related Events View all events Congress Mountain 12th World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism 20 - 22 March, 2024 Europe Congress Mountain 11th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism 23 - 25 March, 2022 Europe Congress Mountain 10th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism 20 - 22 March, 2018 Europe
Congress Mountain 12th World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism 20 - 22 March, 2024 Europe