ETC-UNWTO International Seminar on Transnational Tourism Themes and Routes

ETC-UNWTO International Seminar on Transnational Tourism Themes and Routes

15 - 17 November, 2017
Santiago de Compostela,es


The joint international seminar is the exceptional occasion to officially launch the brand new ETC-UNWTO Handbook on Marketing Transnational Tourism Themes & Routes.

In recent years, the development of tourism themes and routes has gained prominence with the key aim of bundling services and attractions under a unifying subject and for promotion purposes. These themes bridge the gap between a destination’s tangible and intangible features and are designed to appeal to specific visitor segments interested in gathering unique experiences on topics such as culture, history, heritage, nature, sports, gastronomy, religion or health.

This unique event is intended to shed light on the landscape of tourism themes and routes in Europe and worldwide. This occasion will provide an excellent platform to better understand the development, management, and promotion of transnational tourism routes and will provide practical guidance for DMOs, NTOs and NTAs on how to market and promote destinations through transnational thematic tourism experiences and products.

We eagerly await your participation in this motivating and challenging session!

This event is addressed to National Tourism Organisations/Administrations, Destination Management Organisations and Tourism experts in the field.

For more information and registration please visit: