High-Level Event on ‘Connecting Europe through Innovation’

High-Level Event on ‘Connecting Europe through Innovation’

23 March, 2017

European tourism is undergoing significant structural changes brought by the rapid digitalisation of the economy. At the heart of this revolution lies the digital traveller, whose expectations and appetite for new experiences need to be met with new products and increased connectivity, which are some of the main factors that determine the competitiveness of a destination. In order to face up to these challenges, industry stakeholders are invited to find a common ground for defining the suitable conditions for the future of tourism, namely competition, sustainability targets to information security and the use of big data. The interactive debates and sessions aim to explore how to stimulate innovation in tourism by connecting public-private initiatives and sharing best practices and how European tourism SMEs could integrate technology in order to position themselves and become more competitive in the global marketplace.

Venue: Office of the European Parliament, Paseo de la Castellana, 46, Madrid